At the heart of our community

Who knew when we started this venture how much it would grow and spread, like bamboo does, in every aspect of our world?! See below some of our favourite facts about bamboo that explain how our students show us every day how they are like bamboo themselves!

Random Facts about Bamboo!


  • There are hundreds of different species of Bamboo.                                                                                     
  • Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on this planet.                                                                                       
  • Bamboo is a crucial element in the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.                                                                                             
  • A grove of bamboo releases 35% more oxygen than an equivalent stand of trees.                                                                                                                                    
  • Planting bamboo reduces your carbon footprint and helps fight global warming.                                               
  • It is both used as a soft wood and one of the strongest building materials (stronger than steel)                                                                                           
  • It is a soil conservation tool, reducing erosion with a sum of stem flow rate and canopy intercept of 25%.                                                                             
  • Some of the uses of bamboo are it is used as a food, made into clothing, as concrete reinforcement, in numerous forms of lumber and for livestock feed.                                                                              
  • It can tolerate extreme conditions that most plants cannot. It was actually the first plant to re-green after the atomic blast in Hiroshima in 1945.                                                                                                        
  • It does not require chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers or watering to grow.

Random Facts about our Students!

  • They come from every walk of life.                                                                                                                                  
  • They go on a journey of self-growth that opens up their world in ways they never knew were possible.                                                                                      
  • They discover the tools to balance the type of life they want to live.                                                                   
  • They have a self-awareness that gives them the skills to work with clients on their own.                              
  • They have an intrinsic understanding of their essential part within the community.                                                            
  • They find strength in being vulnerable.                                                                                                                          
  • They recognise the importance and relevance of mental-health professionals in the community.   
  • They gain integrative knowledge of counselling theories to deploy within their work.                                                                           
  • They are resilient, motivated and confident in who they are and the work they do with clients.                                                                                           
  • They know that they are at their best as counsellors, when they are themselves.

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